Claire discovered that she can get her toes in her mouth... very satisfying.

We blessed Claire on August 5th. Here she is with great Grandmother Plumb. She just woke up from her nap in the other room...she knew I was talking about her. So I'll need to end this quick.
We blessed Claire on August 5th. Here she is with great Grandmother Plumb. She just woke up from her nap in the other room...she knew I was talking about her. So I'll need to end this quick.
Brock just started classes again last week, and he is working at two different internships...definately keeping busy. And I'm busy with the girls. We are in the world of potty training and playing. So fun.
Hope you don't, but we've been checking you out. Your girls are beautiful!
Hope you don't mind (i always publish before reading)
That's hilarious that Ashlyn said that, because the day that we brought Lilly home from the hospital Adelle told me (while I was holding Lilly) "Papa hold it" pointing to Lilly. I passed Lilly to her dad and Adelle climbed into my lap!
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