Saturday, March 25, 2006

Who loves avacados and frozen peas?!!!!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Sunday, Ashlyn Tracy Solano got to meet her name sake, Tracy Bentley. Originally, Tracy's fee in being the match maker for Brock Rockwood and myself was 15% of our wedding gifts. We did not pull through on our end of the bargain, Tracy became a lawyer, we felt a lawsuit was imminent and Ashlyn Tracy was born just in time. We were excited that Tracy came all the way out from New York to see us, and she claims that the world baseball classic had nothing to do with it

News on walking...we're almost there. Ashlyn went from kneeling to standing unsupported on Monday night twice and was so excited about it she squealed and laughed. She now crawls up the toddler play set at the park and loves going down the slide on her belly.

Monday, March 20, 2006

This month has been filled with excitement! Mid-term group projects and 1:30am discussions about Harry Potter book 7!

In other news, last week I had my first consulting project for a charter school district. I and three colleagues have been asked to implement an inclusion initiative. This project is part of my organizational cultural diversity course. I have been learning a lot about group process and dynamics as well as group facilitation. I have seen how these skills are also useful in the youth Sunday School class that I now teach at church. It is tricky to discuss the Old testament with a bunch 14 to 18 year olds without our discussions being interrupted with lines from Napoleon Dynamite and irrelevant music lyrics. What can I say, I love saying "just listen to your heart, that's what I always do" and singing "I know Ja will never let us down"(-Bob Marley). But the students are patient with me and they are very polite when I go off on my tangents.

Monday, March 13, 2006

RED HAIR? A lot of people have asked this question. In certain lights Ashlyn's hair sometimes looks strawberry blonde, but then other times it looks just blonde. Above we have the bathtime spiked look that Ashlyn likes; maybe I need to buy her some hair product. So we have a little bit of hair that changes color (and I am still hoping it will be curly), blue eyes, and two teeth. Ashlyn wants to know if her best friend Eve will donate some of her hair to her.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Ashlyn has recently learned how to throw her blue racquet ball. Unfortunately she has learned how to throw the rest of her toys as well. She cleverly throws toys thinking that I will go get them. HA! I don't! But Emily does. Ashlyn and I have her well trained ... operant conditioning at its finest.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

This is Ashlyn and Brock being swallowed by a great white's a metaphore. Ashlyn and I enjoyed having Brock all to ourselved in January. We visited the Zoo and Birch Aquarium and got to relax. Now school is in full swing but luckily Brock stacked all his classes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays so on the other days he can study at home and we see more of him, but try not to distract him too much:)

Brock's parents came down to celebrate his birthday in February. Both of our parents and my sister Becca who just got home from her mission in January went out for some Thai food and they had these awesome fried bananas for a birthday dessert. I need to learn how to make them.

This is what our family would look like right now if Emily had gotten pregnant right after Ashlyn was born... :) HA HA Haaaaa...what a thought.
Introducing our newest nephew Eric Sabin Plumb born last Sunday morning (February 26th.) Ashlyn has a worried expression because her place as the newest San Diego grandchild has now been taken, and with her three cousins from New York moving here in May and the four that are here already, the competition for attention has reached an all time high. She now gives kisses to ma ma and da da on demand, she waves, squeals when we chase after her, and plays peekaboo with whoever we sit in front of in church, so she definately has a leg up on the competition. What a cutie. We think she is on the verge of walking, and the other day she learned how to long board with donald duck...she's very talented for her age. 1 year in April.