Sunday, December 31, 2006

Christmas was pretty exciting. We got to see a lot of friends and family and now we're back home to relax a little with 20 more days of Brock's vacation from school ahead of us. We'll have another ultrasound at the end of January where we will be able to confirm or retract our statement of having another girl on the way, and life is good.

Here's a little summary of what we've been up to over the holidays...

We had the opportunity to enjoy a little bit of white this Christmas holiday with the Solanos in the ice arena. Ashlyn did a few laps in her uggs and loves to say the word ice now.

Ashlyn enjoyed being with cousins and Aunts and Uncles and friends throughout the week. She also enjoyed her 4 dachshund "aunt and uncles" which for some reason I didn't get a picture of, but she kept telling them to "shhhh!" She loves Doggies. She definately got into the unwrapping thing this year which was fun.

Before leaving to visit the Solanos, we spent Christmas morning sampling "food" from Ashyln's kitchen. She loves to pretend and gets a kick out of carrying a plastic plate and fork around. Hopefully the novelty of this toy doesn't wear off too quickly as it has already afforded us a good sum of blogging time today.
(Christmas continued in next blog)

We spent Christmas Eve Eve with Emily's family, which will be our last time all together for a while since Emily's parents will be serving an 18 month mission in the London South mission starting this March. Ashlyn was pretty excited about her bus and grass skirt. Then Christmas Eve we were able to enjoy a nice evening with the extended Plumb fam.
And that concludes our Christmas saga.
Hope you all had a merry Christmas!!! And will have a Happy New Year.