Sunday, September 30, 2012

First Day of School!

Here are Ashlyn's friends Rylee and Brigitte.  My neighbor commented to me as she saw the tide of children walking to school on the first day that the new white  sneakers and new outfits were quite inspiring.  We were nice and early the first day to find Ashlyn's classroom and get her situated.
It was a great send off.  It's a great workout pushing three in a stroller.
Claire has afternoon Kindergarten and it was orientation for the first hour of class on her first day. So Claire got to walk up to school with just me and our neighbors the Whitings while Lara and Warren stayed with some friends.  Jimmy is in her class.
 I can't believe Claire started Kindergarten.  So fun.  She looks so tiny.
To celebrate we frosted a special pencil cake. :)  Each of the girls got to frost a different section. 
I miss summer, but the girls are liking their classrooms, they got good teachers, and are having fun.
Lara started meeting with her joyschool group a couple weeks after school started.  I will need to take some pictures the next time they are all over at our house.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Back in May Brock asked for some pictures of the kids to frame for father's day.  I made the attempt one day and spent a morning trying to get a shot of all of them looking absolutely adorable.  They are too cute, but it was impossible to get 8 little eyes to look at me at the same time and 4 little faces and smiles to be real at the same time.  We ended up with lots of fun candid snapshots, but nothing really frame ready. We went to a couple different parks and tried a myriad of different poses. I ended up locking my keys in the car at the second park because I grabbed the camera bag instead of my diaper bag and Brock had to bring me the spare much for the surprise. 

I finally admitted defeat and went to JCPenny to get some "real" pictures taken.  I felt a little better about my skills when after a whole photo shoot we only ended up with one where everyone was looking at the photographer.  So here is the miracle shot...
Here is another cute one. See if you can pick out my number one culprit of the wandering eyes.
The bottom line is...