Saturday, September 29, 2007

I think younger siblings naturally fall into two different rolls. Some become tattletales such as myself, who was no match for my two older brothers so I resorted to bratty tactics in order to get mom on my side and make sure I could always watch the movie Annie whenever I wanted. Other kids become sidekicks/cohorts in crime. I don't think Claire will become a tattletale. In fact the way she studies everything Ashlyn does and laughs and doesn't complain when Ashlyn pulls her around I'm convinced they will be quite the dynamic duo someday and will really give Brock a run for his money. Future boyfriends beware.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Sunday, September 09, 2007

I heard Ashlyn say this morning, "Hey Claire! Let me borrow some sweats!" Then she went and did a nice pile drive to the bean bag. (refer to Nacho Libre if you wonder what I am talking about.) It is amazing to think that Ashlyn used to wear this little outfit when she was 3 months; she is getting so tall. I don't know if I should be overly concerned with her new desire to wear Claire's clothes or sit in claires little car seat, swing, or bath tub. Claire gets a kick out of Ashlyn running and dancing around, and just giggles and laughs. I think Ashlyn is just asking for more attention. I'll have Brock do a complete psycological analysis and I will get back to you.

Claire on the other hand has discovered her tongue. Her aunt Becca taught her how to blow raspberries with her tongue and now she can't seem to keep it in her mouth. She is always blowing spit and cooing. She is so proud of herself. Very cute, but very wet.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Who's tired?

This is what happens when we skip nap time. This happened back in July. Are we cruel parents?

The words that preceded this picture were, “I want to hold it.” Ashlyn is a very good big sister. I'm so glad to have two little girls, it's so fun to have a sister. They can play together and share clothes. Just the other day Ashlyn found one of Claire's onsies and wanted to put it on. She didn't have a purple shirt to wear. Claire consented as long as she put it back in her drawer. My little sister Becca just moved in with us until she finds a job down here. It's been a lot of fun and the girls love having their aunt to play with.

Here are some photos to sum up the last part of our summer...
Ashlyn is gaining more confidence in the pool, so hopefully we will learn to swim next summer.
Claire discovered that she can get her toes in her mouth... very satisfying.

We blessed Claire on August 5th. Here she is with great Grandmother Plumb. She just woke up from her nap in the other room...she knew I was talking about her. So I'll need to end this quick.
Brock just started classes again last week, and he is working at two different internships...definately keeping busy. And I'm busy with the girls. We are in the world of potty training and playing. So fun.