Tuesday, March 31, 2009


If I had a nickle for every time Claire asked me where Lara was...
The questions that immediately follow: HOLDER? Sit on my yap?


J-Lo said...

Love the pictures. It must be nice to have a little helper to "holder":)

BTW, how do you do your 3x3 photo squares?

Michele said...

Those are some CUTE girlies!

Kimberly said...

So cute! I love Lara's smiles in the collage. She is so smiley! Those are some priceless pictures. What a bunch of cute nieces I have :)
Hope you had fun with dominos tonight. Love you.

StevenKatie said...

So, cute!

Alanna said...

That sounds like a dream come true-- if I had a nickel for every time I had to tell Bentley to stop harassing his sister, Craig could quit his job! Your girls are SO cute!