Saturday, December 12, 2009

My girls like art time. I can usually occupy them with coloring and get a few things done around the house...I might have to rethink this strategy. Ashlyn and Claire were truly saddened and shocked when I said that I probably wouldn't let them color with markers for at least a year. "WHY MOM?!" (Bless the person that made markers washable.)


flip flop mama said...

I'm SO glad you took a picture!

Kimberly said...

Unbelievably awesome.
I love those girls!
Those pictures are priceless.

Marcie said...


Katie Harding said...

hahaha! i love this! you will cherish these pictures in coming years. what a laugh!

StevenKatie said...

That is hilarious!!!

Cormorant said...

So they still look adorable with all the marker on their faces!

Michele said...

Thanks for making my day. Love it!

The Richardsons said...

Hey you now have matching blog posts with Kimbur Foutz! We should get your girls together and see what kind of artistic mahem we can stir up!