I love this picture of Ashlyn peeking around her chair on Christmas morning at the presents. The week was spent playing with toys (feeding a playdough ice cream cone to tickle me Ernie), tormenting the dachshunds, and of course more mexican hot chocolate...
Which inspired these photos...
Here are a few other photos to wrap up the highlights for Claire and Ahlyn. Here is Claire having Tim and Becca help her open gifts. Aunt Becca lived with us when Claire was a baby and I swear some sort of imprinting took place, she LOVES her aunt Becca and now her fiance Tim as well. Claire also loves the baby play mat/mobile we have especially when her baby is in it. I find it hard to give Lara consistant "tummy time" or rolling time on the floor...too vulnerable.
Ashlyn is enjoying her Joy school group (one of the boys is missing from the group shot, there are five in the group and all the moms rotate teaching two days a week). We did a fun Christmas party and Ashlyn got to be the angel for the nativity. She was very excited about her gingerbread man as you can see, and she still often makes reference to what happened around Christmas time and what we should do next Christmas.
Voila I filled in the big gaping hole in my posting of Christmas/December 2008 and can now resume with more current events next time.